carbon impact
of operations

Our client is an international cosmetics group, with an assortment of more than 250 brands and 16,000 products, distributing in almost 30 countries.

Each product has its own geographical distribution of sales. The resulting operational choices are complex and can have a considerable impact on the environment. 

Which country to choose for the manufacture of the various semi-finished products (containers, packaging, etc.)? Where to package the finished product? What modes of transport between the different stages of upstream and downstream routing?


  • Analyze actual operational data and perform a simple python modeling of the different possible logistics scenarios for a series of distinct best-selling products.
  • Define a model to calculate the carbon footprint of each of the scenarios, integrating public data from ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) including emission factors for the different means of transport or the median energy mix of countries. 
  • Visualize the results interactively with a dashboard and evaluate the main impact factors.


  • The study showed that the operational choices mentioned above could have a considerable impact on the environment.
  • On average a product’s carbon footprint was reduced by a factor of 5 with more optimal choices of supplier and packaging plant locations, coupled with the use of more eco-responsible means of transport, such as train or boat, .
  • Crossed with volumes, this represents a saving of nearly 100,000 kg of CO2 equivalent per year and per product (~1 million km by car)